CHF International, АНУ-ын ашгийн бус олон улсын хөгжлийн байгууллага нь АНУ-ын ОУХА болон ХААЯ-ны санхүүжилтээр “Гэр Санаачлага” төслийг Улаанбаатар, Дархан, Эрдэнэт, Чойбалсан хотуудад хэрэгжүүлж байна. Гэр Санаачлага Улаанбаатар дахь салбарт доорх ажлын байранд идэвх эрмэлзэлтэй ажилтан шалгаруулж авна.
Төслийн үйл ажиллагаа болон үр дүнг дэлгэрэнгүй байдлаар харахын тулд манай байгууллага вэбд суурилсан мэдээллийн баазыг ашигладаг. Уг программыг цаашид хянаж, сайжруулах, хөгжүүлж байх чадварлаг программист авна.
Тавигдах шаардлага: Программ хангамжийн дээд боловсролтой. Microsoft Access дээр программ хийж байсан. Англи хэлтэй хүн ажилд сонгогдох боломж илүү байх болно.
Ажлын туршлага: Доод тал 3 жил өгөгдлийн баазтай ажилласан байх, вэбийн программчлал мэддэг байх.
Өргөдөл анкетыг 2009 оны арваннэгдүгээр сарын 4-ний дотор хүлээн авна.
Өргөдөл анкетыг дараах хаягаар явуулна уу:
1. E-mail: contact@chfmongolia.org
2. Шуудан: CHF International, ш/х 48/277, Улаанбаатар хот, Монгол Улс
3. Факс: 011-3-19971
Vacancy notice
CHF International, the USA International development unavail construction is compassing “House Impulse” from countryside livelihood project in Ulaanbaatar.
Possibility in improvement, learning by professional.
Access Database programmer:
Qualifications required:
High education of software
Microsoft Access have proficient computer skills
English is essential
Three two four years of progressively responsible in Database
Time of taking application : before 4-November-2009.
Send to email: contact@chfmongolia.org
Fax: 011-319971
Please not call me
Wagner Asia Equipment LLC, the Caterpillar dealer for the country of Mongolia, has a vacancy for the following position:
GENERAL RESPONSIBBILITIES: This position is responsible for all of used eqiupment sourcing, purchasing and providing guidance on pre-sales reconditioning/furbishing works
• Work with Sales Coordinator and Rental Coordinator in developing and maintaining current the Accounting Package generated sales kit. Help Rental Coordinator in determining inventory unit conditions and order internal work orders.
• Be trained and able to inspect used machines and engines as per Dealer Qualified used Equipment Guidelines. Also understand and be able to give appraisal on “As is, where is” term.
• Learn and help introduce best practices of used equipment reconditioning/refurbishments.
• Establish and maintain good working relationships with all dealers in the region for quality, will maintained low priced Used Equipment. Work with general line sales representatives in negotiating and settling machine and engine Forward Purchase Contracts.
• Work closely with Advertisement & Promotion Coordinator on promoting Cat Used Equipment through local mass media
• Provide with pricing, product support literature sourcing assistance to salesmen and other interested parties.
Qualification and experience reqiured:
University degree in Mechanical Engineering
English is essential
Effective oral and written communication skills
Must have proficient computer skills
Must be eager to learn
We offer a good working environment and competitive compensation package which will be negotianed with the successful applicants.
Interested applicants with the above qualifications, please submit the following documents:
Your letter of interest along with the Curriculum
Vitae (with a recent photograph)
Copies of Diploma and Certificates
A copy of ID
to the following address before: Feb 05, 2009
Bayangol District, Dund Gol-46
Wagner Asia Bldg,
Ulaanbaatar-211121, Mongolia
Tel: 976-11-687588
Fax: 976-11-687587
Only short listed candidates will be contacted
Ажилд шалгаруулж авна – орчуулга
Монгол дахь Wagner Asia тоног төхөөрөмжийн дисперютер, хүнд машин механизм худалдагч компани нь дараах ажлын байранд ажилтан авна.
Хэрэглээний тоног төхөөрөмжийн менежер:
Ерөнхий үүрэг хариуцлага:
Энэ ажилтны хариуцлага нь бүх хэрэглээний тоног төхөөрөмжийн эх сурвалжууд, удирдамж чиглэлийн дагуу худалдан авах ба тэгсэн тохиолдолд худалдахын өмнө засаж сэлбэж ажилладаг байх
Хувийн үүрэг хариуцлага:
• Худалдааны зохицуулагч, түрээсийн зохицуулагчуудтай багаж хэрэгслийн худалдаа бий болгосон багц тайлан бүртгэлийг таслахгүй цааш хөгжүүлж ажиллах. Түрээсийн зохицуулагч нь эд хогшлийн нөхцөл тооллогыг дэс дараалалттайгаар бүртгэж туслах
• Тоног төхөөрөмжийг зааврын дагуу хэрэглэх туршлагатай худалдаачины хэрэглэсэн машин механизм, хөдөлгүүрүүдийг шалгах дадлагажсан чадвартай байх. Ойлгосон зүйл мөн хийсэн зүйлдээ үнэлгээ дүгнэлт хийж бусдад зөвлөгөө өгөх чадвартай байх.
• Хэрэглэсэн тоног төхөөрөмжийг дахин сэргээн засах болон хамгийн сайн дадлагуудтай танилцахад суралцах ба туслах
• Багаар үнэлэгдэн хэрэглэсэн тоног төхөөрөмж үргэлжлүүлэн, чанарын бүс нутагт бүх худалдаачидтай ажлын сайн харилцааг үргэлжлүүлэх ба тогтоох. Машин механизм болон хөдөлгүүр худалдан авах гэрээ хэлэлцээр црөнхий худалдааны шугамын хооронд төлөөлөгчүүдтэй нь тохиролцон шийдвэрлэж ажиллах
• Худалдагчийн туслах болон сонирхсон өөр хамтрагчууд ном зохиолд зорилгоо танилцуулах, үнэлгээгээр хангаж өгөх
• Мэргэжлийн англи, орос хэлтэй байх
• Их дэлгүүрийн менежерүүдийн ирүүлсэн дуудлагыг өдөр бүр танилцуулах
Тавигдах шаардлага:
Механик инженерийн их сургуулийн зэрэгтэй
Англи хэлний суурьтай
Ам болон бичгийн харилцан ур чадвартай
Компьютерын хэрэглээний программ сайн эзэмшсэн байх
Цааш үргэлжлүүлэн суралцах хүсэлтэй
Дээрх шаардлагыг хангасан хүмүүс доорхын дагуу материалаа бүрдүүлнэ үү!
Чиний захиа амин чухал сургалтын хөтөлбөрийн сонирхолын дагуу байх (саяхны 1% зураг байх)
Диплом болон гэрчилгээний хуулбар
Иргэний үнэмлэхний хуулбар
Материалыг : 2009-02-05-ны өдөр авна.
Баянгол дүүрэг , дунд гол -46
Wagner Asia Bldg
Улаанбаатар – 211121, Монгол
Утас: 976-11-687588
Факс: 976-11-687587
It is found through the test that during the call process, the party in the normal all can hear the noise but the other party in the faulty cell can not. If both the calling party and called party are in the faulty cell, all the two parties can hear the noise. Perform signaling tracing for the faulty cell in the background. The signaling tracing result indicates that each carrier in the faulty cell has assignment failure and the failure is due to uplink problems. Figure 1 shows the signaling tracing flow.
Тэр нь дуудлага хийж байх явцад шалгалтаар олддог. Энгийн үүрэн дэх хэсэг нь шуугианыг сонсдог боловч өөр алдаатай хэсэг нь чаддаггүй. Хэрэв дуудлагын болон дуудагдсан хэсэг нь хоёулаа алдаатай үүрэнд байвал 2 хэсэг хоёулаа шуугианыг сонсоно. Дахин алдаатай үүрийн дохионд шинжилгээ хийх бөгөөд үүний үр дүнд үүргээ бийлүүлж чадахгүй болсон алдаатай үүрийн зөөгчийг үзүүлнэ. Үүргээ бийлүүлж чадахгүй болсон гэдэг нь өгсөх шугамд ямар нэг асуудал үүссэн байна гэсэн үг юм.
1. Гарчигаа сайтар уншиж, ойлгохыг хичээнэ.
2. Текстээ бүхэлд нь гүйлгэн харна.
3. Юуны тухай гэдгийг ерөнхийд нь таамаглана.
4. Өгүүлбэр өгүүлбрээр нь нягтлан уншина.
5. Өгүүлбэрийн бүтцийг харна.
6. Угтвар, холбоос үгнүүдийг сайтар харна.
7. Үгийн төрлөөр нь ялгаж харна.
8. Дахин сайтар уншиж мэдэхгүй үгны утгыг нь таах гэж үзнэ.
9. Мэдэхгүй үгээ толиос харна.
10. Орчуулж өгүүлбэрийн үндсэн утгыг гаргахыг зорино.
11. Орчуулгаа ноороглож бичнэ.
12. Ойлгоход хялбар болгож, найруулгыг хянана.
13. Нооргоо цэгцэлж эх хувилбарыг гаргана.
14. Ерөнхий утга санааг алдагдуулсан эсэхийг шалгана.
15. Эх хувилбараасаа сүүлийн хувилбарыг гаргана.
Том компьютерын системүүдэд процедуруудыг бичдэг, программ хангамжийг хөгжүүлдэг мэргэжилтэнүүд байдаг.
There are Scecialist’s who writes to procedur’s in system’s of big computer and developments to software.
Энэ нь компьютер бүрийн хооронд шууд холболт ба тогтсон хоёр зам шаардаг учир сүлжээний компьютер бүр өөр компьютертой шууд холбогдох нь эдийн засгийн хувьд ашиггүй.
This requests to be settled two way and direct connects with computer because at economics unprofitable all network computer direct connect with another computer
1.Read the title carefully and try to understand it.
2.Glance over the whole text.
3.Guess what it is about generally.
4.Reading thoroughly sentence by sentence.
5.Look at the structure of the sentence.
6.Look at prefix and conjunction words in detail.
7.Identify the type for each word.
8.Read again carefully and try to guess the meaning of each unknown word.
9.Look new word up in the dictionary.
10.Try to translate and lay out the sentence.
11.Write down a draft translation.
12.Make it easy to understand and examine the wording.
13.Rearrange the draft text and produce an initial version.
14.Check the principal meaning, whether it is out of context.
15.Produce a final version out of the initial version.
Name: Amgalanbaatar Janchivdorj
Address: 207nd number, 2th flat, communal flat of student’s Bayanzurkh district, Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia
Telephone number: 976-99622367
Email: aj.amgaa@yahoo.com
Date of birth: 21/06/1988
Place of Birth: centre Bayankhongor of Bayankhongor aimag
Citizenship: Khutul town of Selenge aimag
Visa Status: BYU:880621..
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Marital Status: no married
INTERESTED POSITION:Telecommunication engineer, Telecommunication Mobicom, Unitel, Skytel, Internet’s LLC & Place Communication of Espionage worker,
13nd secondary school of Khutul Khut in Selenge aimag
I graduated school in 2006.
My class was intensive education in Mongolian.
The Information and Telecommunication of University which I graduated is very famous in Mongolia. Because, this university is Mongolian National University which offer electrical and technical profession to students. This profession offered me many kind of skills . Studying at the Information and Telecommunication of University has provided me with an interdisciplinary degree in this profession.
I’m working aiax.bb Internet provider LLC since 2007
I live with my family. I have large family and there are 5 people, mother, sister, 2 young sister and me. My mother is working in Khutul of Cement factory.
Operating System: MSDOS, Microsoft Windows
Design: CorelDraw , Flash , Photoshop , MATLAB, and Autocad
General: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Visio Technical
Sport skills:
I have all kind of talent of sport. Example: Basketball, Volley-ball, Tennis & wrestler. It has already passed 4 years since I start studying by tennis. My favourite sport which I study is Kick boxing.
Мобиком анкет:
Ажлийн байрны тухай мэдээлэл хаанаас олсон бэ?
1.internet site [mobicom]
Хүсч буй цалингийн доод/дээд хэмжээ
2. 450000-500000 ₮
Хэзээ ажилд орох боломжтой вэ?
3. Whenever
Илүү цагаар ажиллах боломжтой юу?
4. Yes
Хэлэхийг хүссэн зүйлс, давуу чанар
5. N/A
Үндсэн мэдээлэл
Ургийн овог – borjigon
Эцэг /эх/-ийн нэр- Janchivdorj
Өөрийн нэр- Amgalanbaatar
Паспорт №SE*******
Хүйс – male
Төрсөн огноо - 1988/06/21
Төрсөн улс – Mongolia
Төрсөн хот / аймаг - Bayankhongor
Улс- Mongolia
Гэрийн утас –not have
Гар утас -99622367
И-майл- aj.amgaa@yahoo.com
Боловсролын мэдээлэл бүртгэнэ үү!
Улс- Mongolia
Хот / аймаг- Ulaanbaatar
Сургууль- University of Information and telecommunication
Мэргэжил-Telecommunication inginer
Мэргэжлийн зэрэг- Bachelor
Элссэн он /2006
Төгссөн он/2010
Дипломын сэдэв
Гадаад хэлний мэдлэг бүртгэнэ үү
Гадаад хэл -English
Ярьсныг ойлгох-bad
Өөрөө ярих- bad
Уншиж ойлгох- middle
Бичиж орчуулах- middle
Урьд ажиллаж байсан тухай мэдээлэл бүртгэх
Байгууллагын нэр-Yokozunanet.LLC **** company
Албан тушаал- Switchig & manager
Ажилд орсон / гарсан огноо-since 2007
Ажлаас гарсан шалтгаан-
Цалингийн хэмжээ /төг/- 300000
Таныг хамгийн сайн тодорхойлж чадах хүний мэдээлэл бүртгэх
Таны хэн болох- mother
Овог Yondonsambuu
Нэр Enkhee
Төрсөн огноо 1961-11-11
Хот / аймаг -Bayankhongor
Сум / дүүрэг – Bayankhongor
Хаяг-Khutul Khot of Selenge aimag, Mongolia
Эрхэлж буй ажил- Cement factory
Эрхэлж буй албан тушаал- Compressor
Төрөл садангийн тухай мэдээлэл бүртгэх
Таны хэн болох friend
Овог Tumur
Нэр Tulga
Утасны дугаар 99939861
Эрхэлж буй ажил-electrician
Эрхэлж буй албан тушаал - manager
Reference Letter
Dear Mr. Bayarsaikhan :
I am writing this reference at the request of Amgalanbaatar Janchivdorj who is applying for the Mongolian Telecommunication.
I have known Amgalanbaatar for three years in my capacity as an English teacher at Information and Telecommunication Technology University. Amgalanbaatar took English from me and earned grades in those classes. Based on Amgalanbaatar's grades, attendance and class participation, I'd rate Amgalanbaatar's academic performance in my class as superior.
In conclusion, I would highly recommend Amgalanbaatar Janchivdorj for this academic program. If his performance in my class is any indication of how he will succeed, Amgalanbaatar will be a positive addition to the program.
If you should need any additional information you can feel free to contact me at 99xxxxxx or by email at g_bayarmaa@yahoo.com anytime.
G. Bayarmaa
Teacher, Information and Telecommunication Technology university
Cover Letter
October 18, 2009
Mr. John Smith
Human Resource Manager of Apple Corporation
1234 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10502
Dear Ms. John Smith:
Peter, engineer of JAT Corporation , suggested that I write to you. I met with him recently to talk about media as a possible career option and he was very helpful. He said that our company was looking for telecommunication engineer.
I am a senior at University of Information and Telecommunication technology. I will be graduate this year. However, I have not little practice and I’m communicative so I will team working and hardworking. I will try to very skillful.
I know your time is valuable. Thank you for taking time to read my letter .If you should any additional information, you can feel free to contact me at 99622367, or by e-mail at aj.amgaa@yahoo.com anytime.
Amgalanbaatar Janchivdorj
Business Letter
18 October, 2009
UB city, Bayanzurkh district
Messrs Choo Lian and Sons Pte.Ltd,
15 New Bridge Road,
Hong Kong,
Dear Sirs,
Your documents sent through Standard Chartered Bank were released yesterday and goods delivered.
We regret, however, to inform you that on opening the parcel the following items of goods were found short:
3 Pairs of sports shoes-serial No.4
4 Pairs of ladies sandals-serial No.9
2 Pairs of tennis shoes-serial No.7
3 Leather jackets
Since the goods were packed in cardboard containers and were found in proper condition at the time of unpacking, there is, we believe, definitely no tampering of the goods at the P.S.A go down. We therefore presume that the goods were packed short of the required numbers and we request you to send the some as quickly as possible.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
Telecommunication and Network Service
The mission of the Telecommunication and Network Services (TNS) Department is to effectively deliver quality communication services to our customers and fulfill our stewardship role for institutional communication resources.
TNS is one of five departments within Information Technology Services (ITS), and is responsible for providing a wide range of voice, video and network services and the communications infrastructure necessary to support these services. TNS' primary purpose is to provide these services in a reliable way with a level of quality that meets or exceeds our customer's expectations.
TNS is organized into 5 functional work groups providing the following services and functions:
Voice Services
Network Services
Video Services
Infrastructure Services
Business Services
The TNS Action Plan for 2005 identifies key projects, objectives and strategies. Following are key projects for 2005:
Voice Services key projects for FY05
Network Services Key Projects
Video Services key projects for FY05
Infrastructure Services key projects for FY05
Business Services key projects for FY05
The project team is currently reviewing vendor proposals and preparing for on-site demonstrations. Implementation is scheduled to begin summer 2005 with final production migration in the spring of 2006 .
1. Tell me about yourself. How would you describe yourself /character/ personality?
My name is Amgalanbaatar. I am twenty one years old. I graduated School in 2006. I'm studying Infotmation and Telecommunication Technology university. My future careers are telecommunication and information technology's engineer. I think careful, generous, shy, helpful, honest and sensitive.
2. What are your greatest strengths (weaknesses)?
My greatest strengthas are hardworking, honest, workaholic, short of something, responsible at work and more experience for others.
3. Where do you see yourself five years after from now? How do you feel about your future in the profession?
The five years after from now I will do my career’s work. Maybe five years after I will become mobile telecommunication company’s director. I will married. I will be with 2 girls and 1 son.
4. Looking back, what would you do differently in your life ?
I work some company and I will become international workman. My family will enjoy, happy in the life.
5. What extra-curricular activities were you involved in?
I don’t like it, but I am must extra curricular activities I do it.
6.What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular-activities?
In extra-curricular-activities I learned not late at work and lesson.
7.Describe your ideal company, position and job. How do you think you can develop the organization?
I'm thinking that company at big building. Company's environment must clean and compartable. I want work in job, because my job is very interesting for me.
8. What and in what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
I can become very big company.
9. What makes a job enjoyable for you? What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
I will an engineer. But an engineer is a difficult job everyone it can not do. I love my career.
10. Can you work under pressure ?
I actually work better under pressure and I've found that I enjoy working in a challenging environment.
11. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
I think it is very important.
Now time communication and interaction are way of develop.
12. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
I am prefer to work with others because I think I’m very communication man so it is easy for me.
13. What are your long-range goals and objectives?
My long-range goals are I will learn away in foreign country, I will good career and I am going to entreid at anyone foriegn company.
14. What are your short-range goals and objectives?
My main objective is I will graduated university. So, I am going to learn more better English.
15. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
I work some company and I will become international workman.
16. What do you think you gained by working in your last job (studying in your school) ?
For my first job, I was happy to know I would be working in a job that utilized my education.
17. Why do you want to work for this company?
I am convinced that there would be no better place to work than this company.
18. What type of position do you think you are suited for? How would you describe the position we have to offer?
19. What aspects of the position are you most interested in? How long do you think you would stay with us?
20. What salary would you expect for this position?
I'm sure your offer will be fair and commensurate with the value I can bring the company.
My name is Amgalanbaatar. I’m twenty one years old. I have lived in Selenge between Ulaanbaatar all my life. My favorite musical artists are bands like Keane and Michael learns to rock. I aspire to someday become a director. I have yet decided to aspect of directing I would like to telecommunication or information technology company’s director.
Our university’s one of goal is to develop modern technology and telecommunication. The scientific and research work out university carries out is of great importance for the development of the telecommunication equipment building industry in our World. I have very favorable conditions for our scientific research. The laboratories of our university are equipped with update computation machines and apparatus. Now we are training at a number of problems connected with the improvement and further development of electronic devices for automatic control systems. I believe that in the near future the old automatic control systems will be greatly improved. Some of the problems are successfully solved by the scientific researchers of our class group and very soon a new electronic device we are working at will be tested in our laboratory. The best kind of Telecommunication class for me is one where the material of the course interests me personally. In my ideal Telecommunication course, the reading material consists of stories that I would enjoy reading as well as writing assignments on topics that I would have a fair amount to write about. There are also no more vocabulary tests or quizzes in my ideal Telecommunication course because I personally do not feel that an extensive knowledge of vocabulary is necessarily what distinguishes a good writer from a bad one. Of course, I would also make the course more enjoyable to have an instructor who makes learning interesting and grades fairly. It would also be nice to develop my creative writing skills. I need to work on my ability to develop a proper storyline for use with my course.
I am already interested in the first-second book. I know I will be able to take something away from it. I am responsible for my own actions, and that I’ll usually have nobody to blame but myself for any of my problems. I’m more aware of the outcome that may manifest from my actions, like with schoolwork, or anything else. I think I’ve become better with my time management, also. But I think that doing so would be very beneficial for my personal development as well as social
Some day I think I will change Our Mongolian old things and create new Mongolian thing. It’s hear to possible. There is no desire more natural than knowledge. We try all ways that can lead us to it; where reason is wanting, we therein employ experience. There is no quality so universal in this image of things, as diversity and variety. So I found myself flying into the other world.
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